Press Kit

I am Katrin Terwiel, a business consultant and psychological psychotherapist. Feel free to contact me if you need well-founded insights on mental health, workplace diversity, organizational transformation, and adult ADHD.

  • Pronouns she/ her
  • #CallMeByMyFirstName

PR Pitch

The most important information about me at a glance: expertise, favorite topics, and key angles.

Talking Points


  • Data-driven diversity management: from gut feelings to real KPIs
  • Everyone wants „tone from the top” – But what do I do if leadership doesn’t support the topic?
  • Gender nonsense and wokeness bubble – Don’t we have real business problems?
  • Scaling diversity work through employee networks & governance
  • If you have a brain, you have prejudices – How to navigate your unconscious bias

Mental Health:

  • Staying energetic and productive as a leader under constant stress
  • Employees in psychological crises – What leaders can do and where the limits are
  • Mental illness – Does it make sense, to come out in the company?
  • Diversity of brains – About 20% of all people are neurodivergent
  • AD(H)D in the workplace – Driver of innovation or guarantee for chaos?

Quotes & Aufhänger

„A LinkedIn message to the CEO of Telekom landed me my VP position.“

„Board meeting in the morning, mosh pit at night: we need wild contrasts.“

„As a friend flipped a sausage, I decided to quit.“

„Resilience training in companies is a dangerous trend.“

„Why morning routines are bullshit.“

„What an advisory board meeting and group therapy for schizophrenics have in common.“

„During my time as an executive, my calendar had a life of its own.“

„The courage muscle can be trained.“

Press pictures

If you need a picture of me, please use one of these.


If you need my logo, you can find the complete logo package here.

You need more?

I support you with well-founded information, sources, an interview, and contacts to other media-experienced professionals. Just get in touch.

Sure, give me an adventure and I’ll ride it.

Melissa Auf der Maur